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Exploring The Principles and Other Spiritual Teachings

with Jacquie Forde


Solving The Myths and Misunderstandings We All Face About Our Human Experience

This Course is About You!
It’s Time To Leave the Prison of Our Personalities

In a world bustling with various belief systems and spiritual paths, the concept of non religious spirituality might seem like a paradoxical enigma.

 However, the fusion of The Three Principles with a non religious approach offers a transformative journey that can bring about authentic change and profound growth to everyone’s life. 

Exploring The Principles was designed to solve and clear up the most common Myths and Misunderstandings that people bump up against about The Principles and other spiritual teachings.

 Over 1,000 people from 50 countries and from all walks of life have taken this course which has deeply transformed their lives.

Prepare to embark on a captivating exploration that intertwines humour, information, and compelling insights to unveil how the Three Principles and non religious spirituality can be your guiding light to an improved and enriched existence.

Certificate Sent on Completion of Course.

This programs main purpose is not to add new information or beliefs to your mind or to try and convince you of anything.
Exploring The Principles main purpose is to bring about a shift in your everyday awareness or consciousness to help release you from the prison of your mind AND personality!

Do any of these sound familiar?


  • You are stuck and frustrated with unwanted habits and behaviours
  • Maybe you have been around the original message of Syd Banks for a while and you don’t seem to get it the way other people do? 
  • Perhaps old habits and addictions are causing you as much discomfort and pain as they always have despite coming across the principles ?
  • Maybe you just want to learn more about the original message of the principles and deepen your own understanding from the comfort and safety of your own home?
  • Perhaps you can understand the Principles intellectually but know instinctively there is a deeper dimension to this understanding that you just have not experienced yet?
  • Perhaps your budget is tight but you want the whole enchilada of learning about the principles without the high ticket price ?
  • Maybe you want to receive a certificate of completion for your self study efforts to prove continuous education to your employer?
  • Perhaps you simply want to have a much better experience of your life without being overwhelmed by stress and worry?
  • You love learning in groups with like minded souls
  • And You know there is MORE to life

If any of the above sounds familiar, don’t worry – you’re not alone.
Exploring The Principles’  sole purpose is to help you get unstuck from where you are now, to living a life and doing work that actually excites you. 

This Program is A Common Sense Exploration of The Principles and other Spiritual teachings

What To Expect:

When you enrol in this fabulous program you will be able to access lessons via all sorts of multimedia: live classes, interactive facebook group, animations,  audio downloads, videos, and other insightful materials all pointing you to a more grounded and transformational experience of life.


Inspiring Feedback From Past Participants:

Anna Foakes – Coach and Therapist

“I loved being on Jacquie’s Exploring The Principles Program – It was a beautiful experience of getting to know my true nature and being privileged to share with other souls. Jacquie has a wonderful way of sharing the principles with her love of life, warm heart, lovely Scottish spirit and humour. Thank you Jacquie, for the simplicity of your teaching and your generosity. 

I'm excited to have you join me

Exploring The Principles

Over the program, you will experience a profound training designed to further the awakening of consciousness already happening in you—and allow you to integrate this shift more continuously in daily life.

Self Study – independent learning available now!

If you wish to explore through self-study there are 14 online modules for you to work on by yourself that include videos, audios and animations that will boost your level of understanding. It is perfect for those of you who love to self learn and go at your own pace. All lessons are available to you for life.

You’ll get the most out of the experience if you engage fully with each module of the course

 Over 1,000 people from 50 countries and from all walks of life have taken this course and deeply transformed their lives.

More Praise!

Working with Jacquie in the Exploring the Principles Course has led me to a deeper awareness of life on so many levels. I feel more perceptive, empathetic and generally more tolerant of my life experience and those people with whom I come into contact.

Throughout this course with Jacquie, I soon became aware of her profound understanding, openness and mischievous humour, which appealed to me and I knew that I had made the right decision in wanting to work with her.

After only a few weeks I felt so closely connected to those others of us on the course, we all watched our lives (and each other’s) change as a result of this wonderful understanding of how life works for each of us.

I only have words, but intensely and grateful don’t seem enough, it’s more of a loving feeling.
Lorainne Miller

How The Program Works

The Core Online Program: Perfect for Self-study

This is a series of audio, videos, and animations already developed and readily available inside your course dashboard. You’re welcome to explore at your own pace and yours to keep forever to encourage continuing study and self reflection.

What Other Students Say About Exploring The Principles ...

“I loved being on Jacquie’s exploring the – it was a beautiful experience of getting to know my true nature and being privileged to share with other lovely souls. Jacquie has a wonderful way of sharing the principles and other spiritual teachings with her love of life, warm heart, lovely Scottish spirit and humour. Thank you, Jacquie, for the simplicity of your teaching and generosity. Anna Foakes, Coach and Therapist.


Hi all! Just a little love pip – happy Sunday. Wanted to share that Chapter 8 is really resonating with me – not sure why yet and I now know, the why is not all that important – I really appreciate you Jacquie Forde for all the time you put in creating the animation and the dharma. Larry

“I missed seeing this before Jacquie and am so glad to have found it now. I love how you guide, “always look towards how you are creating your experience rather than the output of your creation”, that moved something in me. Thank you xxx” Vicky

“Halfway through last week’s recording and absolutely loving the beautiful feeling and all the Jacquie giggles on this call in particular” Jessie

“So with Jacquie pointing us to going out and ‘playing’ with the feeling that is bubbling inside with clarity I have seen this morning that it is the place within you that begin “living and following a different life from, you do not physically uproot and move.I thought I understood but I saw it this weekend. If you show up living from this understanding being open to the feeling we do not have to wait for life to change , it has already ” Sharon

What Other Teachers Say About Jacquie ...

“Jacquie Forde has a warm heart and a loving spirit. Combined with a wicked sense of humor, these gifts make her a powerful mentor. She brings her deep understanding to light in ordinary words that touch the soul.” – Judith A. Sedgeman, EdD

“Jacquie Forde is the quintessential woman–profound and practical. She shares her wisdom about the Principles underlying the human experience with simplicity, integrity, and in a way that resonates with peoples’ innate intelligence. In this way, she takes them on an inner journey where they tap into their own understanding of who and what they are at their core. This is the heart of the Three Principles message.” – Elsie Spittle – Author, International Speaker and Trainer

“I love Jacquie’s warmth, ticklish humor, irreverence, and her whole-hearted embrace of human-ness with all of its ups and downs, joys and loves, flaws and perfections. My time with her in Scotland was priceless. Her lovely country home, Scottish-style sense-delighting hospitality and deep honesty combined to provide a perfect backdrop for insights about life and the Three Principles to unfold. Jacquie’s authentic presence, down-to-earth style, humor and love power the way she shares the Three Principles. As a helping professional, she has seen beyond current concepts to an understanding with limitless potential to cure chronic mental stress.” – Linda Sandel Pettit – Co-Owner, 3 Principles Intervention and retired Counseling Psychologist 

“Jacquie Forde is an amazing 3p facilitator spiritual teacher and coach. She has the ability to deeply connect and touch the heart of any person, and have a profound impact simply by her way of being. Love and understanding is the most powerful ingredient for any coach or person of influence, and to me Jacquie is the true image of both. Words alone cannot describe how strongly I recommend her as a teacher or coach.” Kjetil Haugmo, Author and Public speaker

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