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“Knowing yourself is the key to all wisdom”
– Aristotle

"As women we are meant to perform societies' most critical and challenging roles".


One to One Coaching...

In personal, life or leadership coaching, my female clients often arrive feeling generally ‘stuck’ in some way or perhaps have specific goals in mind such as overcoming a habit or addiction, beating an eating disorder, feeling less anxious or depressed or want to overcome procrastination, a fear of public speaking or wanting to be more assertive in their business and interpersonal relationships. If you have a specific personal problem that needs an impartial eye, non-judgemental reflection and room to facilitate change, then please contact me.

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individuals & Professionals


An Intensive is a three day coaching experience either online or in person with an inbuilt follow up coaching program. When you invest in a three day coaching intensive with me you will be collapsing many months if not years of coaching into just a few days. This program allows you to unplug from your daily life which helps to open you up to new thought and begin to experience life from a fresh perspective. My focus during my time with you is to help you deeply understand the principles behind life, you’re psychology, language and the deeper feeling that accompanies living from a quieter mind.

This in essence is all you need to go live and powerfully transform yourself and your business. Follow up is included in the program and helps you to continually deepen your grounding and understanding after you return home. Get in touch to arrange spending time with me to get unstuck now



Is a journey I absolutely love with my students. Throughout my career I have always loved deeply connecting and getting to know and understand my clients and students. In this program I get to take you on a journey. To share with you everything I know and everything I am currently learning to help you transform both your life and the lives of people that you share with, be it clients or family. Mentoring in this way fills my heart as I watch you grow and discover yourself as you live life with more ease and simplicity and build your own successful practice if that is what you are called to do.

You can become one of my mentees on either a six or 12 month program. Contact me now to find out more. I can’t wait to hear from you

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individuals & Professionals


There are a couple of ways you can train with me either at The Unashamedly Human School or The Scottish Three Principles School. Each school has been specifically designed to help you improve your experience of life by sharing skills, knowledge and wisdom that relate to an incredibly useful understanding of your own mind, body and spirit and improve  your mental capability, capacity, productivity and performance.

individuals & Professionals

Master Classes...

The masterclasses I run regularly are an immersive and interactive online experience offering you the opportunity to understand more about your psychological and spiritual nature by teaching you a beautiful new understanding of the mind. The classes will be topic driven with both live and recorded materials. The videos are viewable at any time, and they can be paused, fast-forwarded, and re-watched as many times as you’d like. In addition, many of my students enjoy the class discussions to share their thoughts and learn from others.

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individuals & Professionals

Business Development

There are many ways to benefit from coaching especially when it comes to business development. In my experience I have found intensives, whether they take place over 1 day or several days to be the best way to help my clients create a bigger leverage in a short space of time.

So why choose me as your business development Coach?  I’ve spent over 30 years working for blue chip companies in sales, sales training, market development and consulting, helping individuals and teams develop their strategy, implementation and follow-through of their business plans, and was a top performer in all of my roles. I like to support my clients to make things happen. Which helps them overcome any procrastination, hesitation, fear or confusion they may be experiencing to help them move forward confidently. And, I have successfully run my own business for over 12 years.

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individuals & Professionals

Online Courses

Online learning is growing in popularity and is an exciting and accessible option for people in all stages of their life. My online courses are developed to help you learn and develop your emotional, social and life skills giving you an edge in life whether that benefits you most in your relationships, life or business. Check out what is currently available.


Book Clubs...

Do you love personal development books yet sometimes only partially read them and long to be able to discuss your insights and learn more about the literature with other like minded souls? Then why not join me in my regular book clubs and enjoy all the guided discussions and meet all the incredible opportunities to meet new people and make new friends with common interests and ideas about life.

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